1 minute read

I first adopted github.com mostly as it was what everyone in the company was using. The company provided its own internal hosted version, and most of my collegues and the product that I contribute to adopted it. There are reasons beyond this post that have now given me an opportunity to evaluate other solutions.

In the past week I have been doing a lot of soul searching related to what to use for my own blog in a concept that most seem to call Git pages. I will define Git pages as the concept of hosting static, serverles website in a git repository. Many of the solutions use a simplistic approach, where you use markdown to compose your website and later use a interpreter to render the pages into HTML. As there are multiple Git hosted vendors, there are different implementation with different benefits. This is where the arguments begin.

As opposed of me dupicating the information, I will provide some links that help me to make a decission in order of relevance:

  • https://boats.gitlab.io/blog/post/2017-09-28-blogging-with-gitlab-and-hugo/
  • (My google search)[https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&hs=cuB&channel=fs&ei=ExNhXeGMO6Tp_Qb8ha7gCw&q=github+pages+vs+gitlab+pages+for+blog&oq=github+pages+vs+gitlab+pages+for+blog&gs_l=psy-ab.3…15304.21406..22392…5.4..0.97.1522.17……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j35i39.aRUwzqm0BCI&ved=0ahUKEwih4u3qp5vkAhWkdN8KHfyCC7wQ4dUDCAo&uact=5]
  • https://about.gitlab.com/2017/07/19/git-wars-switching-to-gitlab/
  • https://stackshare.io/stackups/github-pages-vs-gitlab-pages

and as of this post I am staying still.. but still considering to move. I will make a decision in the near future base on some inputs on some upcoming life changes.

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