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A new command to figure out ports

1 minute read

Background Recently in a project as we were doing the setup of the system, our hosting provider made a typo in one of the MANY ports that our solution uses a...

What are my O/S belives

1 minute read

Lately non techy people ask me what O/S I prefer: APPLE or WINDOWS?. Often with the more techy inclined the topic does come up at some point in our conversat...

Payment services

2 minute read

In my line of job it is always challenging to understand and separate the business requirements from the actual technical implementation, and a added challen...

Revamping the site

less than 1 minute read

I have had this blog for a while, it was meant to be for my linux adventures but I ended up not using it.. so my plan is to now use it for ecom stuff. I thou...