1 minute read

The other weekend I wanted to adventure and determine how easy is to create a Kubernetes enviroment for WebSphere Commerce. The ultimate goal is to create CloudFormation files but I first needed to learn how to create a basic EKS, let assume I am setting an environment for DEV.

I follow this tutorial https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-started-console.html, with out any modification.


To create an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) we first need to fullfil the prerequesites:

  1. Create the Amazon EKS Service role, this role is required so that Kubernetes can create the required resources for your cluster.
  2. Create the Amazon EKS Cluster VPC, this is network definition that your cluster will use. At the time I wrote this article there were two options: Only public subnets or Public and Private subnets. I used the second one as I don’t want all the resources to be available.

Take a look to the VPC diagram, that gets created in the tutorial to understand the resources been defined by the CloudFormation template. CloudFormation template

After creating the VPC I stop the project for the day and left it as it was, after running for 3 days I had to cancel this project due to cost. :) To be continue another time.

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